UNDER MINA ÅR i New York kom jag att lära känna Marvin Scott Jarrett, mannen bakom tidningar som Nylon Magazine, RayGun och Bikini. Med honom startade jag upp designbyrån Toystore. Här är den grafiska profilen.
Företagsdeklaration (by Marvin Scott Jarrett)
Toystore is a creative agency that helps brands to communicate with innovators and early adopters. We do that by surrounding brands with the kinds of aesthetic ideas that appeal to people who are difficult to reach through traditional means. By tapping into nontraditional resources that range from fine artists to electronic musicians to internet gurus, we create campaigns that speak directly to the pollinators of new ideas and trends. Properly positioned, any brand – regardless of how large its potential market may be - can penetrate this most desirable audience. Our areas of expertise include advertising campaigns, web-site development, custom publishing, packaging, and product design.